Equipment Specifications Library

Basic Model Information

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    EDF (lavender)

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Battery Type 2 C-cell alkaline
Diameter 1.25 in. 3.125 cm
Weight 1.4 lb 635 g
Length 15 in. 38 cm
Compatible With Eclipse
Temperature Rating 220° F 104° C
Depth/Range 40 ft / 60 ft 12.2 m / 18.3 m
Battery Life 20 hrs awake, 100 hrs sleep

Additional Info

EDF: Dual Frequency - 0.1% Pitch (Lavender)

-15" x 1.25" (38 cm x 3.125 cm)
-40 - 60ft (12.2 - 18.3m)
-2 C-cell alkaline, 20 hours awake, 100 hours sleep
-220°F (104°C)
-1.4 lb (635 g)

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